Branch of Turkestan region


Branch of Turkestan region

Total staff 179 

The total number of the observation network is 59 meteorological, agrometeorological, hydrometeorological and ecological stations and posts are on the territory of the Turkestan region

Traditional meteorological stations - 14 units;
Automatic meteorological stations (AMS) - 6 units;
Hydrological posts - 27 units;
Agrometeorological posts - 5 units;
TDS (Hard-to-reach stations) - MS 2 units;
Observation points for atmospheric air pollution - 7 units;
Environmental pollution monitoring laboratory - 1 unit.

Branch activities

The main activity of the Branch is to ensure the monitoring of the state of the ecological, meteorological, agrometeorological and hydrological monitoring using the state observation network.

Main tasks

Ensuring and organizing the work of continuous production activities of the observation network.

Providing, on a contractual framework, government bodies and other interested parties with hydrometeorological information, as well as information on the state of the environment, actual and expected changes in hydrometeorological conditions, the state of the climate and its changes, the state of environmental pollution.

Data archive, obtained as a result of environmental monitoring, meteorological and hydrological monitoring.

The meteorological observation network daily organize 8 urgent observations of air temperature, soil temperature, wind direction and wind peed, type and duration of atmospheric phenomena, type and amount of clouds in points, amount of precipitation, observation of atmospheric pressure.