Department of climate research

The main areas of activity:


Improvement of climate monitoring in Kazakhstan, assessment of the past and current state of the climate in Kazakhstan;
Carrying out scientific research in the field of climate;
Development of projections of Kazakhstan's climate for the future based on regional and global climate models to provide consumers with information about likely climatic conditions in various regions of the Republic;
Providing relevant information to assess climate risks, vulnerability and ecosystems, economy, population, infrastructure and government institutions to climate change and existing adaptation opportunities;
Preparation of climate information for National Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change;
Preparation of relevant information for WMO regional associations and a WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate;
Participation in international climate projects.

Manufactured products:

Issue of the Annual Bulletin on Monitoring the state and Climate Change of Kazakhstan (link to the bulletin page
Issue of the "Monthly Bulletin of express climate monitoring of Kazakhstan: anomalies of the average monthly air temperature and monthly precipitation"