Artificial rain is a reality?!

IconPublished 28.07.2021

"Technologies for calling rain have been known since the 40s of the last century. Today, there really is a technology in the world to increase the amount of precipitation. However, it is not possible to artificially create rain where there are no conditions for precipitation.
It is possible, by stimulating cloud cover, to increase the potential amount of precipitation that is available. And it is almost impossible to "drive" clouds or a moist air mass from somewhere. That is, only knowing that rain clouds will pass in a particular area, you can increase the amount of precipitation from these clouds. So according to the research of various scientists, if the clouds are properly affected, the amount of precipitation can be increased by 10-15 percent.
I would like to note that currently there is no technology for the formation of rain clouds in the world. If the rains started in the desert – then this is how the natural conditions were formed. It is also worth noting that such rare phenomena as heavy rains in the Middle East have previously occurred and will also be observed in the future under certain synoptic situations without conducting any experimental work.
The amount of rain can be increased only locally on a small scale. But on a global scale, it is impossible.
I would like to emphasize that the energy contained in natural processes is very large, and it is impossible to create cloud systems that could give rain, change the nature of the wind so that it brings water vapor to the region, or completely eliminate dangerous natural phenomena. That is, at the moment the person is very weak. We can't compete with nature. At the same time, such work is associated with risks, and their results may be questionable. Any experiment should have an expert opinion on the expected benefits, risks and best practices, as well as possible consequences."

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