Weather forecast for September 2021 in the Republic of Kazakhstan

IconPublished 31.08.2021

In most of the territory of Kazakhstan, according to long-term data, frosts can be observed already in the first half of September, in the southern regions - only at the end of the month. However, according to the advisory forecast, frosts on the soil surface up to 2 degrees are predicted at the beginning of the month in the northern and central regions of the country.
In early September, due to the influence of the cyclone and associated atmospheric fronts, unstable weather patterns will be observed in the western, eastern regions and in the mountainous regions of the south-east of the country. At the end of the decade, rains with thunderstorms, hail, squall and increased wind with gusts up to 15-23 m/s will pass in the north-western half of Kazakhstan.
In the first decade of the month, the invasion of the western cold anticyclone on the western regions will cause a decrease in the air temperature during the day from +30+35°C to +17+25°C. Meanwhile, in the rest of the republic, with the south-western removal of warm air masses from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a gradual increase in air temperature is expected in the north, center, and east of the republic during the day from +13+20°C to +23+30°C, in the south, southeast from +25+32°C to +28+37°C.
At the beginning of the second decade, a cold anticyclone from the western regions will bring cool weather to the north and center of the country, as a result of which a drop in air temperature is expected.
In the second half of the month, an increase in the temperature background will cause what is called "Indian summer" in the national calendar, but air temperatures will fluctuate in the north, center and east of Kazakhstan at night from +5+13°C to -5+10°C, during the day from +20+28°C to +15+20°C; in the south and west of the country at night from +7+15°C to 0,+5°C, during the day from +25+30°C to +17+22°C.

Note: the advisory forecast for the month can be adjusted as the synoptic situation changes and will be updated with decadal forecasts.

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