Frosts in the south

IconPublished 29.09.2021

At the beginning of the period, most of the territory of Kazakhstan will still be under the influence of the trough of the outgoing cyclone, with the exception of the western regions. The West is already under the rule of the North-Western anticyclone, which is shifting from the districts of Moscow. Precipitation in the form of rain and snow, which will be accompanied by icy phenomena, will take place in the north, north-west, east, center and in the mountainous areas of the south-east of the country. Fog is expected at night and in the morning. From October 01, as the cold Northwestern anticyclone shifts from west to east, precipitation is expected to stop and the air temperature will drop further: at night in the north, east and center to 1-6 degrees below zero, in the afternoon to 2-7 degrees below zero. In the north-west of the country, the thermometer will drop to 6 degrees below zero at night, 3-13 degrees in the afternoon. And in the southern regions, frosts of up to 2 degrees are expected at night, and a drop in temperature to 8-13 degrees in the afternoon. Only in the west of the country, the main background of air temperature at night is 3 frosts -5 heat, during the day a slight increase from 10-15 to 13-18 heat.

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