On September 29, 2021, the conference "Monitoring of Air Quality in Central Asia" will start. The purpose of the meeting is the tasks of air monitoring and monitoring the current state of atmospheric pollution, as well as collecting data for making decisions on sources of pollution and informing the population.
The conference will be attended by representatives of the Ministries of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources, Health, Information and Social Development, RSE "Kazhydromet", "Association of Practicing Ecologists", NGO "MoveGreen", representatives of hydrometeorological services of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, scientists from Central Asian countries, eco-activists, bloggers and public figures.
At the conference, specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" will tell the participants about the current situation of air quality monitoring in our country. They will also share their positive experience in interacting and building a dialogue with civil environmental associations.
The National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan has done a great job in the development of quality monitoring and forecasting of air pollution. A mobile application developed in 2018 Air.kz, allows you to inform the population in a timely manner and reflects the real picture of air pollution in large cities. The next stage in monitoring was the prediction of atmospheric air pollution. To date, specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" calculate the upcoming air pollution for a period from one day to two days. This has become real thanks to the adapted Silam air quality forecasting model.
The results of the work of environmental specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" were largely achieved thanks to cooperation with private eco-organizations. Eco-activists and public figures together with employees of Kazhydromet have built a dialogue with the population, industrial enterprises and government agencies in terms of solving problems on sources of air pollution.
Participants can learn about all this, as well as about real achievements in the fight for clean air, at a two-day conference that will last until September 30.