On September 28-30, 2021, the XVII Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia with the participation of heads of state is being held online. A panel session on the topics "Climate change" was held within the framework of the forum. Specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" made a report at the session: "Adaptation to climate change in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Climate change is one of the urgent global problems of our time. Consideration of climatic conditions and assessment of their changes are necessary to determine the potential consequences and take timely and adequate adaptation measures, ultimately, to ensure the sustainable development of our countries. In this regard, this session is of great interest for the exchange of experience in adaptation issues.
The territory of Kazakhstan, located in the center of the Eurasian continent and remote from the ocean for a considerable distance, is warming up at a more significant rate than the globe on average. For the period 1976-2020, the coefficient of the linear trend of the average annual air temperature for the Globe was +0.18 C/10 years; and +0.32C/10 years for Kazakhstan.
The current climate change in Kazakhstan is characterized by a combination of a significant increase in the average annual and seasonal surface air temperatures, the frequency of extremely high daily temperatures, the duration of heat waves and the absence of significant changes in the precipitation regime.
Research by specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" and long-term observations in this area are available on our official website https://kazhydromet.kz/ru/klimat/ezhegodnyy-byulleten-monitoringa-sostoyaniya-i-izmeneniya-klimata-kazahstana. This is an annual bulletin for monitoring the state and climate change in Kazakhstan, which reflects many details of the spatio-temporal features of climate change, including changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climatic phenomena.
And from 2022, in accordance with Article 166 of the Environmental Code, RSE "Kazhydromet" will make publicly available the data of the climate cadastre, which include meteorological monthly and annual books, reference books on the climate of Kazakhstan https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/post/1186