Brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of October 2021

IconPublished 13.10.2021

In the first decade of October, precipitation near and above normal somewhat slowed down the harvesting of heat-loving crops in the south of the country and the completion of sunflower harvesting in the east.
At the observed sites in the Almaty and Zhambyl regions, the phase of "yellowing of leaves" is observed on beet crops, the condition of the plants is good. In the vicinity of the Kyzyltu agropost of the Aksu district of the Almaty region, sugar beet harvesting has begun.
In the East Kazakhstan region, sunflower has a phase of "harvest ripeness", on crops around Shemonaiha stations – "ripening". Sunflower condition is mostly good and excellent, sunflower harvesting continues. In the Almaty region, at the end of the decade, soybean harvesting began, the condition of the plants is good.
Cotton crops in the Turkestan region are mainly marked by the phase of "maturation of the 1st box raw", in the vicinity of the Bugun agropost, the 1st cotton harvest was started, in some areas pre-harvest drying of plants was carried out by spraying with chemicals to accelerate maturation. The condition of the plants is mostly excellent, in some areas around the Bugun agropost is poor, due to frosts.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of October 2021 can be found by following the link .

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