Advisory seasonal weather forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan for November 2021 - March 2022.

IconPublished 19.10.2021

November is the last month of autumn, the pre-winter season.
The first half of November is predicted to be relatively warm - in the northern half of Kazakhstan, the air temperature is expected to fluctuate at night from -3+2 ° C to -8-13 ° C, during the day from +3+10 °From to -2+3°C.
In the north, northwest, east and center of the republic precipitation (mainly in the form of snow) with gusty winds are expected at the end of the first decade, more often in the second half of the month. Ice and fog will be observed frequently during the month. On the coldest days of the second half of the month, the thermometer columns will drop to -17-25°C at night, to -8-13 °C during the day, and to -30°C at night in the east of the country, to -18 °C during the day. In the third decade of November, frost is expected to weaken, in the daytime to slightly positive values.
Precipitation in the form of rain and sleet is expected in the west, south and southeast of the country. The warmest days are expected in the first half of the month, during the day the air temperature may rise to +10 +18 ° C, however, in the second half of November, a decrease in the temperature background at night is predicted to -5-17 ° C, in the afternoon to -2-7 ° C. In the third decade it will warm up again.
Winter 2021-2022 in Kazakhstan is predicted to be close to the climatic norm.
In December, the number of days with blizzards increases in the northern regions, and in the southern regions - fogs and icy phenomena. The air temperature in December is expected to be within the climatic norm. The amount of precipitation is less than normal in most of the Republic, about normal - in the northern half and in the east of the country, more than normal - in the far north of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
January is the coldest month of the year, as the influence of the Mongolian anticyclone increases. At night, the thermometer columns in the northern half of the Republic of Kazakhstan can drop to -35-40 ° C, in the south to -22-30 ° C. The average monthly air temperature is expected to be 1-2 degrees below normal in most of the territory of the republic, about normal in the far west, southwest, north, south and southeast of the country. The amount of precipitation in the republic is expected to be less than long-term norms, about the norm - in the extreme north-west, north-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the south-east of the Almaty region.
February ends the winter season, but its climatic characteristics and circulation features are very close to January. Snowfalls and blizzards, as a rule, still persist in the northern half of Kazakhstan. The average monthly air temperature is expected to be about normal in most of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, above the norm by 1 ° in the south-east of the Republic. Precipitation is expected to be about normal in most of the republic, less than normal in the south-western half, in the west of Central Kazakhstan, more than normal in mountainous and foothill areas of the south and south-east of the country.
March is already a typical spring month for the south of Kazakhstan, and winter is still continuing in the northern regions. The weather in March is very changeable. March is characterized by sharp fluctuations in air temperature and frequent precipitation. According to the forecast, the first month of spring is expected to be cold. The average monthly air temperature is expected to be 1-2 ° below normal in most of the territory of Kazakhstan, about normal in the far west of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The amount of precipitation in March is expected to be about normal in the northern half and in the extreme south, south-east of the republic, less than normal in the southern half of the country.
More detailed information about the forecast for the cold half of the year can be found on the website of RSE "Kazhydromet".
Note: The seasonal forecast represents deviations from the climatic norm of air temperature and precipitation, i.e. the month will be warmer or colder, rainy or arid relative to the norm. The average justifiability of seasonal forecasts is 60-65%, because the forecast error increases with the period for which it is being developed. Therefore, the seasonal forecast should be used as an advisory, which is subsequently clarified by weather forecasts for a month, decade, week.

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