Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of November 2021

IconPublished 03.12.2021

In the third decade of November in the south and south-east of the republic in the areas of cultivation of winter crops, the temperature background was above normal by 1 ... 4C, precipitation mostly fell below normal, in mountainous and foothill areas above normal, in the West Kazakhstan region about and above normal.
Stable snow cover is observed in fields with winter crops in the mountainous and foothill areas of Almaty region, in Zhambyl, Turkestan and West Kazakhstan regions, the fields are not covered with snow, which, with a decrease in air temperature, can lead to the freezing of winter crops.
An increase in air temperature during the daytime led to the resumption of winter wheat vegetation in the observed areas in the vicinity of the Kazygurt and Shymkent weather stations, as well as the growth of alfalfa around the T. Ryskulov Aul stations in the Turkestan region, which can also lead to a loss of the degree of hardening of poorly developed wheat crops (in the "shoots" and "3rd leaf" phases). In the Zhambyl region, the cessation of winter wheat vegetation is mainly noted. The condition of winter wheat is universally assessed as good.
On the observed sites in the vicinity of the Ekpendi agropost and the weather stations named after him. T. Ryskulov aul of Turkestan region and around the Sarykemir agropost of Zhambyl region, after preliminary tillage, winter wheat sowing continues. The quality of sowing is mostly good, in the vicinity of the stations of T. Ryskulov village is poor.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of November 2021 can be found by following the link .

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