Funding Source: IDA: D356-7C
Lot Number: RHC-AF-CS/CQS-02
The Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IC IFAS) has received
additional funding from the World Bank for the Project of Modernization
of Hydrometeorological Services in Central Asia Component A (GUP), and
intends to use part of the funds for the purchase of consulting services for the project.
RCG invites eligible bidders to submit bids to
sealed envelopes or in electronic form according to lot No. RHC-AF-CS/CQS-02
"Annual Financial Audit of the Project"
List of required services:
The audit will be conducted in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing ISA
(ISA) published by the Council for International Standards on Auditing and
Assurance of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). These standards require
the auditor to plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient assurance
that the financial statements are free from misstatement. The audit includes the study of
information based on testing evidence supporting numerical
indicators, calculations and disclosure of information in the financial statements. An audit also
includes evaluating the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial
In accordance with the ISA, the auditor is expected to pay special attention
to the following issues, including special points for non-profit
sector organizations:
a) When planning and conducting an audit to reduce audit risk to
at an acceptably low level, the auditor should consider the risk of misstatements in
the financial statements due to fraud, as required
International Standard on Auditing 240: Auditor's responsibilities regarding
fraud in Audit Financial statements.
b) When designing and performing audit procedures and evaluating and
reporting their results, the auditor must recognize that non-compliance by the subject
with laws and regulations may have a material effect in accordance
with the requirements of the International Standard on Auditing 250: Consideration of Laws and Regulations
rules during the audit of financial statements.
c) The auditor should report on audit issues in connection with the audit of financial
statements to the person entrusted with the management of the enterprise, as required
International Standard on Auditing 260: Communication on audit issues with persons
with management authority.
d) The auditor must provide information appropriately to those
entrusted with the management and management of the internal control system,
information that the auditor identified during the audit of financial statements in
accordance with the requirements of the International Standard on Auditing 265:
Informing about the shortcomings in the internal control system of those who
are entrusted with the management and management.
e) In order to reduce the audit risk to an acceptably low level, the auditor
should determine general responses to the risk assessment at the level of financial
statements, and should develop and perform further audit
procedures in response to the assessed risks at the level of declarations in accordance with
the requirements of the International Standard on Auditing 330: Audit Procedures in
response to assessed Risks.
f) In cases where certain aspects of the company's activities,
performed by a third-party service provider, it is expected that the auditor will
understand and evaluate the internal control system of the service provider during
the audit process in accordance with the requirements of the International Auditing Standard 402:
Audit considerations related to the use of Entity Service organization.
g) As part of the audit process, the auditor is expected to receive written
provision of information from management and, if necessary, from persons
authorized by management, as required by International
Auditing Standard 580: Written Provision of Information.
h) When an external auditor decides to use the work of the internal audit
service of an organization to change the nature or timing, or reduce the scope
of audit procedures that must be performed directly by an external
auditor, this decision must comply with International Standards.
Audit Standard 610: Review Of Internal Audit Work.
i) In determining whether the work of an expert auditor should be used or
the extent to which the work of an expert auditor meets the objectives of the audit, the decision
should be made in accordance with International Auditing Standard 620.
Using The Expert's Work.
Final point of delivery and place of work (MVR):
Corporate Fund "Regional Center of Hydrology", 050002 Almaty,
Republic of Kazakhstan, 32 Abaya Ave., office 304.
Deadline for submitting proposals is January 28, 2022 at 17:00
, Nur-Sultan time, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The bidding will be conducted according to the "Consultants' Qualification Selection" procurement method
set out in the World Bank Guidelines "Procurement Rules for FIP Borrowers"
(July 2016, revised in November 2017 to August 2018), and is open to all
Bidders who meet the definition of management.
Interested eligible Bidders can receive the full electronic
version of the tender documentation by sending a request to the address below during
business hours from 9:00 to 17:00.
Corporate Fund "Regional Center of Hydrology" (RCG)
050002, Republic of Kazakhstan
, Almaty, Abaya Avenue, house 32, office 304
Zhania Khaibullina, Procurement Specialist of the Project Management Group
Tel/Fax +7 701 520 05 80