Advisory weather forecast for the Republic of Kazakhstan for January 2022

IconPublished 31.12.2021

In early January, an area of high pressure will retain its influence on most of the territory of Kazakhstan, in connection with which frosty, low-cloud weather is forecast. However, already in the western regions of the country, with the deepening of the hollow of the Northern cyclone, precipitation, wind strengthening, ice are predicted. As the cyclone's trough shifts to the east, unstable weather is expected in the rest of the republic, snow with a blizzard, gusty winds are forecast in the northern regions, precipitation (in the form of rain and snow), ice, fog in the southern regions. A gradual increase in air temperature is expected in the northern half at night from -17-28 ° C to -3-13°C, in the afternoon from -10-18 °C to 0,-8 °C, in the southern half it will warm up to +5+12 °C in the afternoon, in the west of the country -3+2 ° C.
In the middle of the first decade, another cold anticyclone will again affect the territory of Kazakhstan. In most of the republic, the cessation of precipitation and a gradual decrease in air temperature is predicted. In the north-west, north, in the center, and at the end of the first decade and in the east of the country at night, the thermometer columns will drop to -17-32 ° C, in the southern half to -3-13 ° C, in the west of the Republic of Kazakhstan to -8-23 ° C. At the same time, such weather will not last long, since a cyclone will again shift from the west to replace the anticyclone from the regions of Scandinavia, with which unstable weather and weakening frosts are predicted.   
According to the advisory weather forecast, in the second and third decades of January 2022, a frequent change of weather conditions is expected in most of Kazakhstan, as in the first decade, frosty days will be replaced by warm ones, accompanied by snowfalls, blizzards and gusty winds, precipitation is forecast in the southern half of the country, mainly in the form of rain and snow, icy phenomena and fogs.  
With the removal of warm air masses from the regions of Iran, in most parts of the republic, the average monthly air temperature is predicted to be 1-2 ° above normal, only in the northwestern part of the country with the frequent influence of the high-altitude trough of the cyclone, the air temperature is expected to be about the climatic norm.
The amount of precipitation in January is expected to be about normal in most of the territory of the republic, more than normal in the northern half of the republic, in mountainous and foothill areas of the south, southeast, east of the country, less than normal in the south of Mangystau, in the southwest of Kyzylorda regions.
Within a month, with frequent influence of cyclonic activity and the cold intrusion of the anticyclone, the projected temperature:
in the Northern half of the West country's night -25-35°C to -3-13°C, in the afternoon from 15-25°C -5+5°C;
in the southern half and in the South-West of the country on the night of -10-28°C -5+5°C, day -5-10°C to +5+15°C.
Note: the forecast for the month should be used as an advisory, which is subsequently adjusted as the synoptic situation changes and is clarified by weather forecasts for the decade and for 2-3 days.

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