Last year became a breakthrough RSE "Kazhydromet" in the technical and professional re-equipment of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan. Thanks to the competent redistribution of resources, it was possible to transfer a number of weather stations to the automatic category, and by releasing assets to increase the observation network. One of the biggest achievements is the launch of Doppler meteorological radars acquired in the period 2018-2019.
The main activity of the Enterprise:
65 storm warnings have been issued about dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena and sudden changes in weather (OHS/RIP), including 19 warnings about impending floods.
The justifiability of storm warnings of the OHS/RIP is on average 93-97%, hydrological storm warnings - 83%
The number of monitoring points has been increased – meteorological by 11 new points, agrometeorological by 3 points, hydrological by 25 hydro posts.
4 4 modern Doppler meteorological radars have been put into operation. Now convective cloud cover and local hazards are monitored online in 5 regions of Kazakhstan.
The NMU forecasting methodology has been updated, the list of cities in which the NMU daily forecast is issued has been expanded.
Automated issuance of background information on concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since January 2021, ozone has been determined in all regional centers.
Since January 2022, 30 automated environmental monitoring points for atmospheric air pollution have been put into operation, thereby ensuring 100% environmental monitoring.
Обнов The instrument park on the meteorological network has been updated: 2,569 meteorological measuring instruments have been purchased,
550 units of specialized equipment and SI were purchased for the hydrological network.
руч Automated manual observation posts (Ust-Kamenogorsk – 5 posts and Semey - 2 posts).
Приобрет Purchased 3 gas chromatographs for the determination of volatile organic compounds in the laboratories of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Atyrau
6 profilographs are installed at the hydraulic posts (Turkestan region on the Keles River - 2 units, the Syrdarya River - 2 units, on the Irtysh river in the Pavlodar region, on the And in the Almaty region), this allows you to significantly reduce the time for measuring water consumption.
300 300 tablets were purchased for the observation network, including 70 for agrometeorological and 230 for hydrological posts.
316 new computers were purchased, of which 134 were sent to meteorological stations, 182 to regional branches.
Приобрет Special copying equipment was purchased for digitizing the paper archive of hydrometeorological data for the period 1856-1985.
The automobile fleet of RSE "Kazhydromet" has been optimized out of 121 units of existing vehicles, 72 units remained in operation in accordance with the norms and production needs of the Enterprise, the rest of the equipment was transferred for sale through KGIIP (45 units) and transferred for write-off (4 units).
GPS has been installed on all motor vehicles - fuel write-off according to actual consumption has allowed saving about 40% of the funds provided for fuel and lubricants.
вычисл Increased computing power of servers due to the purchase of 4 servers.
Repairs of the observation network and administrative buildings:
49 meteorological stations have been repaired
Repair of 2 chemical laboratories (Nur-Sultan, Almaty) and 2 administrative buildings (branches in Almaty and Kostanay).
10 hydrological posts have been repaired, crossings have been built at 4 GP.
ремонт The Hydrometeorological Center has been repaired and re-equipped.
Cooperation with non-governmental organizations.
Agreements and memoranda have been signed with the public and environmental organizations
* OUL "Association of Practicing Ecologists"
* Asian Development Bank
* OF "AirVision"
• Narkhoz University
* NCOC Company
* Ecoservice-S LLP
Integrated data from private networks for monitoring atmospheric air quality into the network of Kazhydromet RSE:
- 10 sensors of eco-activist Pavel Alexandrov of Almaty;
- 15 sensors within the framework of an international grant with the participation of the Association of Practicing Ecologists;
₋ 4 ANPZ stations₋
- 40 stations of Eco-Service LLP;
- 8 NCOC stations.
Web applications for work modernization:
The AgroData farmer application has been finalized, the application was introduced in Kazakhstan for the first time in 2020 for free access of the population and farmers to actual and predictive agrometeorological information.
A predictive model of the spread of air pollution "SILAM" has been launched with the support of the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
Автоматиз An automated workplace of an agrometablator has been developed for maintaining an automated database of manual measurements, automatic processing and data transmission
Modern predictive models CGMS (Italy) and DSSAT (USA) have been put into test operation.
The company has implemented electronic document management, including between regional branches.
Additional work has been completed
Специалистами Specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" conducted a bathymetric survey of the Astana reservoir, as a result, the actual volume of the Astana reservoir was calculated (up to 404.00 m. BS volume amounted to 420.861 million m3
. оценка The assessment of changes in the flow of the Zhem and Oyl rivers and the influence of meteorological parameters on the flow was carried out.
A research work was carried out on the topic "Long-term forecast of the annual flow of the Zhaiyk river (Ural) for the future up to 2050, taking into account climate change".
The assessment of the change in the flow of 8 water facilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the future up to 2050 was carried out.
The anti-corruption management system has been implemented in accordance with the international standard ISO 37001.
The Museum of the Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan was opened as part of the 100th anniversary.