Weather forecast for February 2022

IconPublished 31.01.2022

The average air temperature in February, in most of the country, is expected to exceed the climatic norm by 1-2 °, this will be due to the removal of warm air masses from the regions of Iran and Central Asia. In the east of the country, the influence of a cold anticyclone from the Taimyr and Eastern Siberia regions will cause the air temperature to be near the climatic norm.
The amount of precipitation in February is expected to be about normal in most of the republic, more than normal in the west, in the mountainous and foothill regions of the south, southeast and east of Kazakhstan.
At the beginning of the first decade, the Siberian anticyclone will cause frosty and mostly low-precipitation weather in most of Kazakhstan, and in the west of the republic, with the influence of Western and Southern cyclones, precipitation (rain, snow), wind strengthening up to 15-20 m/s, fog and icy phenomena are expected. Then, with the cyclone moving in a northeasterly direction, precipitation and windy weather is expected in the rest of the country.
In the first half of the first decade of February, daytime air temperatures are expected to increase in the south and west of Kazakhstan.
In the middle of the first decade in the north and in the center of the country, frost is predicted to weaken at night from -10-20 ° C to -5-13 ° C, during the day from -5-15 ° C to 0,-8 ° C.
In the east of the republic at the end of the decade, the temperature background will increase at night from -18-23 ° C to -12-17 ° C, in the northeast from -28-33 ° C to -20 °C, during the day from -10-15 ° C to -5-10 ° C.
In the second and third decades of February, with alternating baric formations, unstable weather is expected: precipitation (rain, snow), with gusty winds, in the north-western half and in the west of the country with a blizzard, in the south on some days with a dust storm.
On some days, with the influence of a cold anticyclone from the regions of Eastern Siberia, a decrease in the temperature background is expected:
- in the west and in the northwest at night up to -12-22 ° C, in the afternoon up to -3-10 ° C;
- in the northern half at night up to -20-35 ° C, during the day up to -13-18 ° C;
- in the southern half at night up to - 8-15 ° C, during the day up to -5+3 ° C.
On some days, with the removal of warm air masses from the regions of Iran and Central Asia, an increase in the temperature background is predicted:
- in the west at night to -5 +1 °C, during the day to +2+8 °With;
- in the northwest, north, center and east at night up to -3-10 °C, in the afternoon up to -6+3°C;
- in the south, southeast and southwest at night to -5+5 °C, in the afternoon to +5+12 °C.