Special procurement notice for lot RHC-AF-G/SH-06: "Supply and installation of equipment and software designed for continuous monitoring of the condition and use of agricultural land (Kazhydromet)".
Special Procurement Notice Project name: "Modernization of Hydrometeorological services in Central Asia" Funding source: IDA: D356-7C Lot Number: RHC-AF-G/SH-6 The Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IC IFAS) has received additional funding from the World Bank for the Project of Modernization of Hydrometeorological Services Component A (GUP) in Central Asia, and intends to use part of the funds for the purchase of equipment for the project. RCG invites eligible bidders to submit bids in sealed envelopes or in electronic form for lot No. RHC-AF-G/SH- 6 "Supply and installation of equipment and software designed for continuous monitoring of the condition and use of agricultural land (Kazhydromet).
The final point of delivery and the place of work (MVR): The Republican State Enterprise "Kazhydromet" of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Address: 11/1 Mangilik El Avenue, Nur-Sultan, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan. The deadline for submitting proposals is February 07, 2022 at 17:00, Nur-Sultan time, Kazakhstan. The bidding will be conducted according to the "Request for Quotations" procurement method set out in the World Bank Guidelines "Procurement Rules for FIP Borrowers" (July 2016, revised in November 2017 to August 2018), and are open to all Bidders who meet the definition of the guidelines. Interested eligible Bidders can receive the full electronic version of the tender documentation by sending a request to the address given below, during business hours from 9:00 to 17:00. Corporate Fund "Regional Center of Hydrology" (CF "RCG") 050002, Republic of Kazakhstan Almaty, Abaya Avenue, 32 office 304 Zhania Khaibullina, Procurement Specialist of the Project Management Group Tel/Fax +(727) 390 71 74 Address: cahmpec@gmail.com