In the north – snow and blizzard, in the south - rains with thunderstorms

IconPublished 28.02.2022

In the first days of spring, unstable weather is expected on the territory of Kazakhstan. With the passage of the frontal sections, precipitation will occur in the northern half mainly in the form of snow, with a ground blizzard and wind strengthening, in the south rains with thunderstorms. Fog and ice are expected in the republic. A decrease in air temperature is predicted: in the west at night up to 2...10 frost, in the afternoon an increase to 2...15 heat; thermometer columns at night in the north, east and center of the republic will drop to 15... 20 degrees below zero, in the afternoon the main background is 0...10 frost; in the southern and southeastern half of the country, 0...8 frost at night, 5...15 heat in the afternoon.

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