Weather forecast for March 2022 in the Republic of Kazakhstan

IconPublished 01.03.2022

Typical for spring synoptic processes is the frequent change of cyclones and anticyclones, intensive heat removal from the Black and Mediterranean Seas, cold inflows from the regions of Scandinavia, Western and Eastern Siberia, can cause sudden changes in air temperature and unstable weather.
This year, in the middle of the first decade of March, the warm spring weather will not please residents of most regions of Kazakhstan for a long time. The average monthly air temperature in March, in most of the country, is expected to be above the climatic norm by 1-2 ° C, about normal - in the West Kazakhstan region and in the extreme north-west of the Atyrau region. The amount of precipitation in March is expected to be about normal in most of the territory of the republic, more than normal - in the north-western part of Kazakhstan.
At the beginning of the first decade of March, with the influence of the western anticyclone and the strengthening of the Siberian anticyclone, a short-term decrease in air temperature is predicted in most of the republic. The air temperature will drop at night:
- in the west, north-west to -5-15°C;
- in the north, in the center and east up to -15-25 °C;
- in the southern regions of the country up to -3-11 °C.
The main background of daytime air temperatures: in the north-west of the country it will be -3+2° C, in the northern half of Kazakhstan -3-8 ° C, in the southern half +8+15 ° C, in the extreme south up to +20 ° C.
In the middle of the decade, cyclones from the Mediterranean Sea and Novaya Zemlya will determine the weather in most of the territory of Kazakhstan. Precipitation will take place, in the northern regions in the form of rain and snow, at times a grass-roots blizzard, in the southern regions mainly rain, in the west, in mountainous and foothill areas there will be heavy precipitation. Wind strengthening is expected with gusts up to 15-25 m/s, dust storms are forecast in the southwest. Fogs and icy phenomena are not excluded.
After the cold wave, a short-term increase in air temperature is expected:
- in the northern, central and eastern regions of the country: at night up to 0,-8 °C during the day up to 0,+5 °C;
- in the southern half of the country: at night up to +2+10°From day to +13+20°C;
- only in the west of the country, a slight decrease in air temperature is expected in the afternoon to 0,-8 °C.
At the end of the decade, with the movement of the western anticyclone, precipitation is expected to stop and the air temperature will drop again: in the northern half at night to -10-17 ° C, in the afternoon to -5-10 ° C, in the southern half at night to -8 ° C, in the afternoon to +3+8 °C.
In the second and third decades of the month, the unstable nature of the weather, with precipitation (rain, snow), wind strengthening is expected mainly in the northern, central and eastern regions of the country, which will be associated with the frequent passage of atmospheric frontal sections. Fog and ice are often forecast in most of Kazakhstan. Air temperature fluctuation is expected:
- in the western regions at night from -7-15 °C to -2+3 °C, during the day from +3+8 ° C to +16+21 °C;
- in the northern, central, and eastern regions of the republic at night from -12-23 °C to 0,+5 ° C, during the day from -1-6 ° C to +11+16 °C;
- in the south, south-east at night from - 3-8 ° C to +5+10 ° C, during the day from -4+1 ° C to +18+23 ° C.

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