Seasonal weather forecast for summer 2022 on the territory of Kazakhstan

IconPublished 17.05.2022

In summer, days are expected, both with unstable weather patterns - torrential rains, thunderstorms and a refreshing northwest wind, and with fine days.
According to the advisory seasonal forecast for summer, in the first two summer months in the western half of the republic, the air temperature is predicted to be above normal, and in the eastern half of the country - about normal. August is expected to be cooler - the temperature background in most regions of Kazakhstan is predicted to be within the climatic norm, above the norm is expected only in the far north of Kazakhstan.
In June, precipitation is forecast to be less than normal in most of Kazakhstan, rains are more likely in the north-eastern half of the republic, in mountainous and foothill areas of the south and south-east of the country – within normal limits. In July and August, on the contrary, precipitation is expected in most of the country - about the climatic norm.
For reference: the seasonal weather forecast is a description of the averaged meteorological parameters (air temperature and precipitation) expressed as deviations (anomalies) from climatic values (long-term norm) for the considered season.
            The seasonal forecast for the half-year is made twice a year:
• October 15 for the cold half-year (November-March),
• March 15 for the warm half-year (April-October).
The seasonal forecast is updated 4 times a year: forecasts for winter, spring, summer and autumn.
• February 15 for spring (March-May);
• March 15 for the warm period (April-October);
• May 15 for summer (June-August);
• August 15 for autumn (September-November);
• October 15 for the cold period (November-March);
• November 15 for winter (December-February).

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