In the section on the coverage of the work of branches – Kyzylorda branch

IconPublished 18.07.2022

In the permanent category, covering the work of regional branches, repairs and achievements for the year – Kyzylorda branch.

There are 9 weather stations, 6 automatic stations, 2 automatic agrometeorological posts and 12 hydrological posts in the area of activity of the branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in the Kyzylorda region.
For the period 2021 and the 1st half of 2022, the work on meteorological, agrometeorological, hydrological and environmental activities has been completed in full:
• Current repairs have been carried out at the meteorological stations: Aral Tenizi and Kazaly.
• In 2020-2021, the fence at the Zlich weather station was replaced.
• Drinking water is provided at the Zhosaly weather station.
• All weather stations are equipped with computers and provided with Internet.
• In January 2021, the automated stations (AMS) Saksaul and Shirik-Rabat were opened. At AMS Shirik-Rabat, the station is powered by solar panels.
• Monitoring of atmospheric air in the city of Kyzylorda is carried out at 2 points using a mobile laboratory. (Southern production Zone and Northern Production Zone).
• Atmospheric air quality control is carried out at 3 automatic stations in the city of Aral, the villages of Ayteke bi and Shieli.
• A new GRAW installation, a digital aerosonding system, has been launched at the aerological station, which is currently operating normally.

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