In the section on the coverage of the work of branches - Pavlodar branch

IconPublished 22.07.2022

In the permanent category, covering the work of regional branches, repairs and achievements for the year – Pavlodar branch.

The observational meteorological network of the Pavlodar region branch consists of 15 operating weather stations (MS), 4 automatic weather stations (AMS), 6 hydro posts (GP), 2 evaporation sites, 10 environmental monitoring stations and 1 mobile laboratory.  

• In 2021, ongoing repairs were carried out at MS Zholboldy, Lozovaya, Shaldai, Fedorovka, Sharbakty.  
• The current repair of the Pavlodar gas generator was carried out.
• The repair of the corridors and laboratory of the administrative building of the branch has been completed, a fire alarm system has been installed.
• The office buildings of the branch are in satisfactory condition – out of 14 MS, repairs were carried out in 11 MS in 2017-2021, plastic windows were installed in all MS.
• The repair of the heating system in Pavlodar with the installation of an electric boiler has been completed.
• Manufacture and installation of PVC windows and accessories to them in the building of GP Zaton.
• 7 new plots of land have been designed for automatic agrometeorological posts.
• Fences of MS and AE Pavlodar were manufactured and installed.
• Installed precipitation meters for 4 MS Pavlodar, Golubovka, Ertis and Zholboldy.
• Since January 2021, the Akzhol weather station has been transferred to the category of AMS.
• Training to work in the ARMMeteo program at MS Zholboldy and Krasnoarmeyka.
• Pre- and post-production leveling has been successfully carried out.

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