Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of August 2022

IconPublished 26.08.2022

In the second decade of August, generally satisfactory conditions for full ripeness of grain and the beginning of harvesting operations in the northern half of the country. In the observed areas, spring grain crops were selectively harvested, except for the Aktobe and Pavlodar regions. Precipitation, especially in the Pavlodar and East Kazakhstan regions (above normal), somewhat affected the start of harvesting operations, a decrease in air temperature on the quality of grain.
In the northern half of the republic, the phase of development "dairy" - "full ripeness" is mainly observed on grain crops, in some areas in Kostanay and East Kazakhstan regions - "earing" and "flowering". The condition of the crops is mostly good, in some areas in the Pavlodar region satisfactory, where poor crops are also noted.
In the southern regions, the harvesting of spring grain crops has been completed, except for the foothill areas of the Almaty region.
In the south and south-east of the country, the condition of heat-loving crops (corn, rice, cotton, sugar beet, soy) is excellent and good, vegetation irrigation continues.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of August 2022 can be found by following the link

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