Cold and clearing in the northern half

IconPublished 28.09.2022

A cold anticyclone from the regions of Novaya Zemlya will retain its influence on most of the territory of Kazakhstan, and therefore sub-zero air temperatures will remain at night and precipitation is expected to stop in the northern regions of the country. Only in the west of the republic, with a shifting cyclone from the northwest, a gradual increase in air temperature is expected. In general, it is expected in the republic: in the northern half – fog, wind strengthening, in the south-west and south of the country with a dust storm.
In the north, east and center of Kazakhstan, night air temperatures will drop to 3-10 degrees below zero, in the afternoon to 0-5 degrees Celsius, in the south they will drop to 13-23 degrees Celsius in the afternoon, in the southeast to 5-13 degrees Celsius, only in the west of the republic in the afternoon the thermometer columns will rise to 17-30 degrees Celsius.

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