The weather continues to please with warmth

IconPublished 03.10.2022

In the coming days, under the influence of the anticyclone and the south-western removal of air masses from Central Asia, the weather will continue to please the residents of the country. Mostly dry and sunny weather is expected, with the exception of certain regions of the western and mountainous regions of southern Kazakhstan, where precipitation in the form of rain and sleet will take place. And during the daytime, the air will gradually warm up more and more, despite the negative temperatures at night.
In the north, the thermometer columns will rise from 8-13 to 15-20 degrees Celsius during the day, in the southern regions from 15-20 to 20-25 degrees celsius, in the west and south-east of the country the main background temperature will be 15-23 degrees celsius, in the east and in the mountainous areas of south-east Kazakhstan 5-13 degrees Celsius.

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