The amount of benzapiren in the air as of November 2, 2022

IconPublished 10.11.2022

As of November 2, 2022, the results of sampling and analysis of atmospheric air samples in Almaty showed a concentration lower than MPC (average daily MPC in the air of settlements = 0.001 mcg/m3).
Sampling was carried out at the following 5 points:
- Intersection of Amangeldy Street, Satpayev Street;
- Intersection of raiymbek Avenue, Nauryzbay batyr Street;
- Ainabulak-3 sq.a.;
- Aksai-3 MKR., marechek Street, intersection of B. Momyshuly Street;
- Tastak-1 MKR., Tole bi STR., 249
The actual concentration of Benz(a)pyrene was 0.0005 µg/m3.

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