Gradual weakening of frosts

IconPublished 07.12.2022

A large territory of Kazakhstan remains under the rule of a cold anticyclone, and therefore the weather remains mostly without precipitation: in the east, in the center and south of the republic, with the passage of atmospheric frontal sections, snow is expected with a grass-roots blizzard, in mountainous areas of the south and south-east of Kazakhstan, heavy snow is sometimes expected.  
A gradual weakening of frosts is expected: in the west at night to 5-15, in the afternoon to 0-5 frost, in the north at night to 18-28, in the afternoon to 12-17 frost, in the center and in the east at night to 22-30, in the afternoon to 13-20 frost, and in the south and southeast of the republic, the air temperature is expected to drop at night to 13-25, in the afternoon to 8-18 frost.

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