Snowfalls will be replaced by frosts

IconPublished 06.01.2023

As expected, the Atlantic cyclone and associated atmospheric fronts, bearing precipitation mainly in the form of snow, continues to slowly shift to the east, maintaining the unstable nature of the weather practically throughout the country, with which snowfalls persist, heavy snow in the east of Kazakhstan, and precipitation in the form of rain and snow in the south, in mountainous areas – heavy precipitation. Blizzards and icy phenomena are predicted across the territory of the republic, fogs in the west and south. But already on January 7, a cold Arctic anticyclone will begin to shift from the west of the country, with which a gradual cessation of precipitation and a sharp drop in air temperature in the west, then in the rest of the country, is expected. The thermometer columns will drop: in the west, in the center of the country to 20-28 frost, in the northwest, in the north of the republic to 25-33 frost, in the east to 5-13 frost, and in the south of the country to 0-10 frost.

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