Cold and snowless December 2022

IconPublished 16.01.2023

The air temperature in December 2022 in most of the territory of Kazakhstan was below the climatic norm by 1-6 °, about the norm – in the extreme western regions of the republic.
For most of the month, November frosts still persisted and gradually intensified, at night the air temperature in the northern regions dropped to -27-35 ° C, in the southern to -18-25 ° C. In some regions of the country, record low air temperatures were observed, for example, at the Shymkent weather station in Turkestan region on December 10, the air temperature dropped to -17.6 ° C, thereby updating the record of 2014 (-12.5 °C), at the Barshatas weather station in Abai region on December 11, the record of 2011 was updated (-31.6 °C) and amounted to -32.0°C. Only in the third decade of the month the cold gradually began to recede and in most of the republic there was a slight increase in the temperature background to -10-15 ° C, only on some days it was frosty within -23-28 ° C, and at the very end of the month with the removal of warm air masses from Central Asia throughout Kazakhstan it was noted warming, the air temperature increased in the northern regions during the daytime to -4 +1 ° C, in the southern to +5 +11 ° C.
In the capital, the lowest air temperature was recorded on December 09 and amounted to -27.1 °C, the highest air temperature was recorded on December 31 and amounted to -0.8 °C. Precipitation fell about the norm - 19 mm, with a norm of 25 mm per month.
December was sparsely snowy, only in the northeast, in some areas of the center of the republic, with the passage of the atmospheric fronts of the northern cyclone, precipitation fell about and more than the norm by 1.3-1.6 times.
In terms of precipitation distribution and temperature background, the weather was similar in 2020, 2011 and 1984.

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