Kazhydromet specialists are being trained to implement a dynamic assessment tool for water resources

IconPublished 19.01.2023

On January 18-20, 2023, employees of RSE "Kazhydromet" undergo practical training on the installation and use of the Dynamic Water Assessment Tool (DWAT). This training is conducted in the National Hydrometeorological Services of Central Asian countries within the framework of the CAFEWS project (Flood Early Warning Systems in Central Asia).
The first event, an online meeting with meteorologists, hydrologists and IT specialists from Central Asian countries, took place in July 2022. The second event – "A regional seminar to familiarize with the functions and benefits of using DWAT was held in October in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
The January meeting is a full–fledged course with international consultants on practical exercises directly with the DWAT program in the field. The course includes a demonstration of the installation of the system and training of hydrologists and IT specialists.

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