Before the spring flood, Kazhydromet began scheduled detours of hydraulic posts

IconPublished 06.03.2023

From March 1 to March 17, hydrologists of regional branches of RSE "Kazhydromet" make planned control detours of the network of hydraulic posts in their regions.
In total, the network has 377 hydrological posts at 15 branches, including 329 river stations, 38 lake stations and 10 marine stations and posts. One of the main tasks of the detour is leveling the hydraulic posts.
The leveling of the hydrological post is carried out to determine the heights of the water measuring devices, relative to which the water level is monitored.
This procedure makes it possible to obtain more accurate data on the state of water bodies, including during a flood.
In addition, due to the flood period, a technical check is carried out with the employees of the hydraulic posts, which ensures high quality of data, which is very important during the flood period.

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