Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of February 2023

IconPublished 07.03.2023

In the third decade of February in the south and south-east of the republic in the areas of cultivation of winter crops, the temperature background was higher than normal by 2 ... 6C, precipitation fell everywhere about and less than normal, in some areas exceeded the decadal norm.
In the Turkestan region, the resumption of vegetation of winter crops is observed, due to an increase in air temperature (the temperature reached plus 21C).
In the West Kazakhstan region, the minimum air temperature during the decade dropped to minus 20 ...25 ° C, which, with uneven distribution or absence of snow cover in the fields, was unfavorable for underdeveloped wintering crops.
The minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter wheat in the Turkestan region ranged from plus 1C to minus 3C, in the Zhambyl and Almaty regions minus 1C.
In the past decade, cattle grazing on winter pastures was carried out mainly everywhere, in the Aitekebi and Kobdinsky districts of the Aktobe region, in the Kaztalov, Zhanybek and Akzhaiksky districts of the West Kazakhstan region, animals on stable maintenance. In the Aktogay district of the Karaganda region (Bektauata station), grazing of animals was complicated by the observed ice and a strong snowstorm.
Pastures were poorly and moderately grazed. Pasture lands in Zhambyl district of Almaty region (Aidarly station), in Karatal district of Zhetysu region (Akzhar station), in Aktogay district of Karaganda region (Bektauata station) are severely strained.
The condition of the sod is mostly damp and frozen. Dry sod was observed in the area of the Sai-Utes and Tuschibek stations in the Mangystau region.

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