The forecast of moisture reserves in the soil before spring sowing was released by Kazhydromet

IconPublished 27.03.2023

In general, the prevailing conditions will be favorable for grain-growing regions in the north of the country, however, in the west, in the central and eastern parts of Kazakhstan in April, there may be a shortage of precipitation, which may negatively affect the growth and development of crops at the initial stage of development.
Calculations show that the moisture availability of fields on the territory of Kazakhstan before spring field work is expected:
 - from optimal to satisfactory level – in Abai, East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Almaty regions;
- satisfactory - in West Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Karaganda, Akmola, Kostanay, Pavlodar and North Kazakhstan regions;
 - optimal - in Zhetysu and Turkestan regions
Data on moisture reserves during spring field work play an important role in determining the structure of acreage, determining the optimal seeding rates of crops, choosing the depth of seeding and fertilizing, which ultimately affects the quality and yield of gross output and affects the cost of the crop produced.
The final forecast of moisture reserves in the soil by the beginning of spring field work will be developed approximately on April 25.
All agrometeorological forecasts are regularly provided to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and are also published in the appendix www.agrodata .kz and on the website of RSE "Kazhydromet".

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