IconPublished 28.03.2023

On March 28, 2023, Lidiya Pavlovna Mazur, a prominent Kazakhstani hydrologist, teacher of higher education, candidate of Geographical Sciences, passed away.
After graduating with honors in 1959 from the Department of Land Hydrology of Voronezh State University and obtaining the qualification of an engineer-hydrologist, Lidiya Pavlovna, at her request, was sent to Kazakhstan.
While still a student, Lidiya Pavlovna showed great interest in the problems of hydrology of Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Lidiya Pavlovna devoted her scientific activity to solving the hydrological problems of Kazakhstan, and especially the problems of mountain hydrology, to the development of which she made a significant contribution.
From 1959 to 1968 . Lidiya Pavlovna worked as an engineer, and then as a senior hydrological engineer at the Medeo high-altitude Alma-Ata celestock station. Under the editorship of Lidia Pavlovna, "Materials of observations of the Alma-Ata Celestock station" for 1960... 1963 were published, which are widely used by specialists of various organizations, as well as in the training of students of hydrologists and other geographical specialties.
From 1968 to 1972, she continued her career as a senior, then group engineer-hydrologist in the Department of Hydrology and Water Management calculations of the Kazgiprovodkhoz Design Institute, where she participated in the hydrological justification of a number of important structures and facilities in Kazakhstan. In 1972, L.P. Mazur was invited to teach at the Department of Land Hydrology (now the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology) of the Geographical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Work experience in this department is more than 40 years. During this period, she gave lectures and conducted laboratory classes on "Hydrometry", "General Hydrology", "Water balance studies", "Mathematical modeling of hydrological processes", "Hydrological calculations", "Selevedenie", "Mountain hydrology", "Methods of teaching hydrology", "Organization and planning of scientific research" and others .
She supervised summer and winter training practices, production and research practices, graduation and diploma works, master's theses, with great desire she transferred her knowledge and vast practical experience to students. Specialists work in the Republic and abroad, in the preparation of which she took a very direct part.
L.P. Mazur paid great attention to scientific and methodological work. She is one of the main developers of packages of documents for licensing in seven specialties, 14 mandatory state standards of education in the specialties "Hydrology" and "Hydrometeorology", standard and working curricula and programs, syllabuses, etc. She compiled and published educational manuals on "Hydrometry", "Hydrology", "Hydrophysics", "Selevedenie", test tasks on "Hydrometry". She is an active participant in the annual scientific and methodological conferences of the university and faculty, the author of numerous scientific and methodological developments.
The scientific activity of L.P. Mazur is multifaceted. During the period of work in the Treasury, she participated in the implementation of about 25 budget and contractual topics. Based on the analysis of a large complex of factual material, she identified a number of new patterns of the formation of elements of the water balance, improved the applied and developed new methods for calculating elements of the water balance of mountain catchments: snow reserves, total evaporation, evaporation, moisture reserves in soils, glacial runoff; proposed new formulas and dependencies for determining the flow of unexplored mountain rivers. The scientific results obtained by her are used in the educational process of training hydrologists and hydrometeorologists, as well as in the work of hydrologists of various organizations. Mazur L.P. was a reviewer of numerous scientific papers, abstracts, doctoral and candidate dissertations. The list of scientific works by L.P. Mazur contains more than 100 titles, of which about 30% are works of a methodological nature.
Lidiya Pavlovna has a number of certificates of honor, commendations of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the administration of KazNU for the management of scientific works of students who have become laureates of republican competitions, and for conscientious work. She was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labor".
The staff of RSE "Kazhydromet", the students express their sincere condolences to the family and friends of Lidia Pavlovna. The bright memory of her will remain in the hearts of all who knew her.

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