Regarding the fog in Atyrau

IconPublished 07.04.2023

From April 6 to April 7, 2023, the branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in Atyrau region issued a forecast for the upcoming day, where it was noted that on April 7, 2023, the weather in Atyrau region will be without precipitation, fog is expected in the south of the region, including in Atyrau.
In fact, on April 7, at night and in the morning, the visibility of the fog reached 200 meters, gradually increasing to 500 and again deteriorating to 200 meters.
Also on April 6, a message was distributed that unfavorable meteorological conditions are predicted in Atyrau on April 7, which represent a short-term special combination of meteorological factors, such as weak wind and lack of precipitation, which also slow down the dispersion of fog and contribute to the accumulation of pollutants in the surface layer of atmospheric air.

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