Kazhydromet has been trained in India

IconPublished 10.04.2023

A training on "Practical Aspects of NWP" (Numerical weather Forecast) organized by WMO and the Indian Meteorological Service was held at the Meteorological Training Institute (MTI) Office of Climate Research from March 27 to April 7, 2023 in Pune, India. The team consisted of 6 foreign participants from Kazakhstan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and Mongolia, as well as representatives of India.
At this seminar, the students were introduced to the aspects of Numerical modeling of weather forecasting that are used in India. The course participants launched the WRF (Weather Research & forecast) model in practice, configured the model programs to create diagnostic and predictive products designed for weather forecasting and visualization of output data.
The National Meteorological Service of Kazakhstan also uses numerical forecasting models in its work and also launches the WRF model, so this seminar is a good practical experience for the development of computer forecasting models.

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