The forecast of moisture reserves in the soil before spring sowing was adjusted by Kazhydromet

IconPublished 26.04.2023

According to the forecast compiled taking into account data for the second decade of April, the moisture supply of fields before spring field work is expected to be insufficient to satisfactory in the West Kazakhstan region on the territory of the Bayterek district, insufficient to optimal in the Terekta district, satisfactory in the rest of the grain-growing part of the region.
For other regions of Kazakhstan, the forecast of moisture reserves in the soil released last month is relevant:
- optimal hydration - in Zhetysu region
- from optimal to satisfactory level – in Abai, East Kazakhstan and Almaty regions;
- satisfactory – in Aktobe, Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Akmola, Pavlodar and Karaganda regions;
All agrometeorological forecasts are regularly provided to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and are also published in the appendix www.agrodata .kz and on the website of RSE "Kazhydromet".

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