A training seminar on corruption prevention was held in Kazhydromet

IconPublished 03.05.2023

On May 3, 2023, Representative of the Anti–Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhazira Zhylkyshieva and Kablanbek Ashimov, Ethics Commissioner of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held a training seminar "Prevention of corruption and formation of an anti-corruption culture" for employees of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan at Kazhydromet RSE. The events were held in a mixed format, representatives of regional branches took part online.
The representative of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhazira Zhylkyshieva, introduced new packages of anti-corruption reforms, as well as a system of anti-corruption measures.  The innovations are aimed at improving anti-corruption legislation, including through the introduction of new corruption prevention tools based on advanced international standards.
Experts explained the mechanisms of the compliance service using examples, told about the main tools for preventing corruption and algorithms for conducting internal analysis of corruption risks.
The thesis of the seminar was the formation of an anti-corruption culture and the emphasis on the continuous process of training employees with the formation of rejection of corruption
During the event, comprehensive answers were given to the questions posed by employees of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan.

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