Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of April 2023

IconPublished 05.05.2023

In the third decade of April in the south and south-east of the republic, meteorological conditions were satisfactory for the growth and development of spring grain crops, favorable for field work in the Almaty region.
At the observed sites in Zhambyl, Turkestan, Almaty and Zhetysu regions, the condition of spring barley is mostly good, in some areas excellent. The phase of development of the "3rd leaf" is "the appearance of the lower stem node", in late crops "germination of grain" is "shoots".
In the Terektinsky district of the West Kazakhstan region and in the Urdzharsky district of the Abai region, after preliminary tillage, the sowing of spring wheat began.
In the northern regions and in the center of the country, spring field work, harrowing of fumes and chills have begun.
In the south of the country, soil preparation and sowing of heat-loving crops (rice, corn for grain, sugar beet, cotton, onion) continues.
In orchards with fruit crops (apple, pear, raspberry), there is a phase of "bud swelling" - "the end of flowering", in cherries "fruit formation". The condition of fruit crops is everywhere good.
In the southern regions of the republic, the phase of "stem growth" – "flowering" is observed everywhere on the crops of perennial grasses (alfalfa, esparcet, clover). The condition of the herbs is good and satisfactory.
In the south and south-east of the republic, mostly satisfactory conditions for the growth and development of winter wheat were observed.
In the Almaty, Zhetysu and Zhambyl regions, the condition of winter wheat in the observed areas is excellent and good, the phase of development "tillering" is "the appearance of the lower stem node", in the Turkestan region the phase is "earing".
The weather in the past decade has favored grazing. The breeding company, sheep shearing and veterinary activities continue.
Pastures were poorly and moderately grazed. Pastures in the Karatal district of the Zhetysui region have been severely strained. On pastures, the condition of the herbage is good and satisfactory.
The condition of the sod is mostly dry, raw sod was observed in the Aitekebi and Bayganinsky districts of the Aktobe region.
The reserves of productive moisture in the meter layer of soil have developed in the West Kazakhstan, Aktobe and Pavlodar regions from insufficient to satisfactory, in the North Kazakhstan and Almaty regions from satisfactory to optimal and in the Karaganda region satisfactory soil moisture conditions. The rest of the country has optimal moisture reserves.

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