A brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of June 2023

IconPublished 23.06.2023

In the second decade of June, precipitation was uneven in the predominant territory of Kazakhstan, the largest amount of precipitation fell in North Kazakhstan, in the northern part of Kostanay, Akmola, West Kazakhstan, Aktobe regions, in the rest of the country precipitation fell less than normal. Such meteorological conditions were satisfactory for the growth and development of spring grain crops, due to the uneven distribution of precipitation.
In the west of the country (in West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions), the "tillering" - "earing" phase is observed on spring wheat crops, the condition of the plants is good and satisfactory, the height of wheat is 20-43 cm.
In the north (in Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Kostanay regions) in Akmola region, the "3rd leaf" phase is marked on spring wheat crops - "tillering", in some fields "exit into the tube". The height of the plants is 10-23 cm . In the observed areas of spring wheat in Egindykolsky, Burabaysky districts (Egindykol, Katarkol weather station), damage by bread fleas up to 10% was noted, the field area is 20-25%. In the Astrakhan region (Zhaltyr weather station), yellowing of the leaves of the lower tier of wheat was noted, the degree of damage is 11-20%. In Kostanay region, the phase of development of the "3rd leaf" is "the appearance of the lower stem node". In the Pavlodar region, the "3rd leaf" phase is marked - "tillering", in early crops "exit into the tube". Plant height is 11-20 cm . In the North Kazakhstan region, "tillering" means "exit into the tube". The height of plants is 13-30 cm . The fields are being treated with herbicides against weeds. In the observed areas of spring barley in the Pavlodar region (the Krasnoarmeyka weather station), due to the lack of precipitation and elevated temperature background, there are no barley seedlings.
On spring barley crops, the "tillering" phase is marked - "exit into the tube. The condition is mostly good and satisfactory.
In the center (in the Karaganda and Ulytau regions) in the Karaganda region, the "3rd leaf" phase is marked on spring wheat crops - "the appearance of the lower stem node", In the Ulytau region, the exit into the tube" - "earing". In the observed areas in the vicinity of the Kievka weather station, premature drying of spring wheat up to 11-20% is noted, the field area covered by damage is 99%. The condition of spring barley is good and satisfactory, the phase of development "exit into the tube" - "earing".

In the east (in East Kazakhstan and Abai regions), the "3rd leaf" phase is marked on spring wheat crops - "the appearance of the lower stem node". The height of wheat is 13-33 cm . The condition is excellent and good.
In the south and south-east (in Almaty, Zhetysu, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions), the condition of spring and winter wheat is excellent and good, the phase of development "tillering" is "milk ripeness", in Zhambyl region "full ripeness".
In the south and south-east, the rice condition is good in the observed areas. There is a phase of development of the "3rd leaf" - "tillering", the condition of rice crops is good. In the Almaty region, the phase of "the appearance of the 9th and 21st leaves" was observed on corn crops. The condition of the plants is good.
In the north, west and east (East Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Kostanay and West Kazakhstan), the phase of sunflower development "2nd pair of leaves" is "the appearance of inflorescences", the condition of the plants is excellent and good.
At the end of the past decade, the territories of pasture animal husbandry were weakly and moderately grazed. On the larger territory of pasture animal husbandry, the dry and wet condition of the sod was mainly noted. On the last day of the decade, the general condition of the grassland on pastures is generally good and satisfactory.
In the second decade of June, in most areas, the moisture supply of crops in the meter layer was optimal, which favored the growth of crops.

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