July will start with the heat

IconPublished 28.06.2023

In the next three days, the weather in most of the territory of the republic will be determined by atmospheric frontal sections, in connection with which short-term rains with thunderstorms and gusty winds will take place, heavy rains are expected in the west of the country on July 01, hail is possible, and in the north and in the center of Kazakhstan the weather is mostly without precipitation.
A gradual increase in daytime temperatures is expected in the north to 25-30, in the center to 30-35, in the south to 33-38, in the southeast to 28-33 degrees Celsius, in the east of the republic the thermometer columns will rise to 17-25 degrees Celsius during the day, and in the west of the country significant changes in the temperature background are not expected, the air will warm up to 25-30 in the afternoon, in the south-west to 33-38 heat.

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