Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of July 2023

IconPublished 07.08.2023

In the third decade of July, meteorological conditions throughout Kazakhstan were satisfactory for filling and ripening grain, favorable for harvesting grain crops in the south and west of the country. The increased temperature background in the northern half of the country worsened the conditions during flowering, where there is a possibility of a pustokolositsa, which causes crop losses.
At the observed sites in the Akmola region, the "earing" - "milk ripeness" phase is observed on spring wheat crops, and "wax ripeness" is observed in the vicinity of the Zhaltyr stations of the Astrakhan region. The condition of the plants is mostly good and satisfactory, around the Zhaltyr stations is poor. The height of plants reaches 40-69 cm .
In the Kostanay region, the condition of spring wheat is excellent and good, in the vicinity of the Ken – Aral agropost of the Fedorovsky district is satisfactory, around the Auliekol stations is bad. The phase of development "flowering" - "milk ripeness", around the stations Fedorovka and Uzunkol – "wax ripeness", in late crops - "exit into the tube" - "appearance of the lower stem node". The height of the plants reaches 41-85 cm .
In the North Kazakhstan region, the condition of spring wheat is mostly excellent and good. The development phase is "dairy" - "wax ripeness", on crops in the vicinity of Saumalkol stations – "earing". The height of the plants reaches 41-75 cm .

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