Representatives of the "Birlik" branch of the "AMANAT" party visited Kazhydromet

IconPublished 15.09.2023

On September 15, 2023, representatives of the Birlik branch of the AMANAT party held a meeting with employees of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan. The meeting was timed to coincide with the events on the implementation of the President's Address of September 1, 2023.
Azat Ibrayev, Secretary of the Birlik branch of the AMANAT party in Astana, and Saniya Zhaksembai, a consultant of the branch, answered the questions of the meeting participants, explained certain points of the President's message concerning the work of the quasi–public sector of the country.
Shasalim Shagalimov, an eco–activist, author of the socio-ecological portal of the Let's Do it mobile application "Qazaq Eli", also spoke at the meeting.

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