The 34th session of the CIS MSG was held

IconPublished 28.09.2023

On September 27, 2023, the 34th session of the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the Commonwealth of Independent States (MSG CIS) was held. This year it was held in Baku, Azerbaijan, in a videoconference format. The online meeting was attended by the heads of the CIS National Hydrometeorological Services and representatives of the CIS Executive Committee.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, represented by the National Hydrometeorological Service, presided during the intersessional period. The annual session was devoted to the discussion of working issues and presentations by representatives of the National Hydrometeorological Services of the CIS countries and the Working Groups of the CIS MSG.

Following the results of the session, decisions were made determining the further interaction of the National Hydrometeorological Services of the CIS member states in the near future (2023-2024).

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