Gradual warming is expected in the west, north and center

IconPublished 30.10.2023

The outgoing week in the northern regions of the country was marked by a truly winter, snow was observed, the average daily air temperature turned out to be below zero, however, the synoptic situation will change in the new week, a series of Atlantic cyclones will bring warmth, after a short-term decrease in air temperature, along with heat, precipitation in the form of rain and snow will pass, only in the west of the republic the weather is mostly without precipitation.
A gradual increase in daytime air temperatures is expected in the west to 12-20 degrees Celsius, in the north and in the center to 5-10 degrees Celsius, and in the east and south of the country, with the passage of a cold front, it is expected to decrease at night to 0-5 degrees celsius, in mountainous and foothill areas 2-7 frost, in the afternoon 10-15, in mountainous and foothill areas 0-5 degrees Celsius.

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