A brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of December 2023

IconPublished 15.12.2023

In the first decade of December, in the south and south-east of the republic in the areas of winter crops cultivation, the temperature background was mostly above normal, precipitation fell near normal, in some areas more than normal.
Lowering the air temperature at night to minus 6 ... 12C, in places 18... 21C (Zhetysu region), in the absence of snow cover in some areas, can lead to freezing of winter crops in the south and south–east of the country. A decrease in the average daily air temperature led everywhere to the cessation of winter wheat vegetation in the observed areas.
The minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node of winter wheat was mostly positive, there was no soil freezing.
In the areas of pastoral livestock grazing was carried out everywhere, in the Kurmangazinsky district of the Atyrau region and in the Mangystau district of the Mangystau region, the supply of feed to the wintering bases continues, breeding stock and young animals continue to be fed there.
The condition of the grass on the pastures is generally satisfactory, in some pastures it is good. Pastures are moderately grazed, in some areas they are poorly grazed. They are strongly harassed in the Zhambyl district of the Almaty region and in the Akzhaik district of the West Kazakhstan region.
Frozen sod and wet sod were observed on a larger area of pasture farming in some pastures in Atyrau, Zhetysu and Mangystau regions.

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