Kazhydromet has successfully passed the second anti-corruption supervisory audit

IconPublished 27.12.2023

On December 25, 2023, the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan successfully passed the second anti-corruption supervisory audit.  This is an important achievement, which indicates Kazhydromet's serious approach to the fight against corruption.
The purpose of the audit was to determine the degree of compliance with the requirements of international and national standards in the field of anti-corruption
The successful completion of the anti-corruption supervisory audit confirms that Kazhydromet is actively working to establish honesty, transparency and ethics in its organization. This is an important step in achieving high standards of corporate governance and increasing confidence in the work of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan.
The annual audit of regional branches and the head office of the enterprise contributes to the improvement of work processes and the elimination of possible corruption risks. The audit helps to build trust and create an enabling environment for the achievement of goals in the field of meteorological and hydrological monitoring and forecasting.
Based on the results of the supervisory audit, the Certification Body confirms the validity of the certificate of conformity until December 2024.

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