Unstable weather in the west and south-east of the country

IconPublished 19.01.2024

In the coming days, a cyclone from the regions of Eastern Europe will slowly crowd the Siberian anticyclone. The cyclone will first affect the western part of the republic, where snowfalls will begin, wind strengthening with a blizzard. But in the north, east, south and center of the country, a calm end to the week awaits, where mostly rainless weather is expected. Unstable weather is forecast in the south-east of the republic, with warm air masses from the regions of Iran: snowfall, sometimes heavy snow and increased wind with a ground blizzard.
The air temperature at night in the west of the country will drop to 7-15 frost, in the northwest, north and center it will weaken to 15-23 frost, in the south it will increase to 5-13 frost, in the east it will decrease to 22-31 frost, in the southeast to 13-22 degrees frost.

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