Preliminary flood forecast

IconPublished 01.02.2024

According to the preliminary hydrological forecast for the flood period, as of February 1, 2024, the following hydrometeorological situation has developed.
The volume of moisture reserves in the river basins of the central and western parts of Kazakhstan is below the long-term average values, in the northern part of the country above the long-term average values.
The indicators of autumn soil moisture in the lowland area are mainly higher than the long-term average values.
Snow accumulation processes in river basins will continue in February and March.
Kazhydromet RSE will issue the main forecast of the expected volume of spring flood runoff on the flat rivers of Kazakhstan in March 2024 and will continue to provide it on a weekly basis.
In the basins of mountain rivers in the eastern, southeastern and southern parts of the country, total precipitation during the period of moisture accumulation is near or above the average annual values, with the exception of the basins of some mountain rivers in the southeastern part of the republic (the southern slope of the Ileysky Alatau and the northern slope of the Ketmen ridge).  
Snow reserves in the basins of mountain rivers in the south and south-eastern part of the country are near and below the long–term average values, in the river basins of the eastern part - above the long-term average values.
In case of high temperature background and heavy rains in February, high snow and rain floods are possible along the mountain rivers of the south, south-east and east of Kazakhstan.
Currently, the snow accumulation process continues. The main forecast for the growing season for the rivers of the mountainous territory will be made in the first decade of April 2024.

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