Temperature swing

IconPublished 12.02.2024

With the passage of the frontal sections on February 13-14, unstable weather is expected in most of Kazakhstan, precipitation in the form of rain and snow will take place, heavy snow is forecast in the northern regions, blizzards, icy phenomena are expected, as well as an increase in temperature in the west to 5 frost-5 heat, in the northern, central eastern regions to 5 frost-2 heat. By the middle of the month, the cyclone will leave the territory of Kazakhstan, and a snowless Arctic anticyclone will take its place, which will return frosts to the northern half of the republic.
In the west, north-west and north of the country, by February 15, the air temperature is expected to drop to 22-32 at night, and 15-27 frost in the afternoon. No drastic changes are expected in the temperature background in the rest of the country.

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