Seasonal weather forecast for spring in Kazakhstan for March - May 2024

IconPublished 16.02.2024

March is the first month of spring. However, in the northern regions of Kazakhstan, March is still the continuation of winter, on some days during the month cold weather is expected, with frequent snowfalls, blizzards, ice and fog are not excluded. The temperature background is predicted to be low these days, at night with 15-25 degree frosts.
In the north, center and east of the country, an increase in daytime air temperature to +2+7 °C is predicted in the first decade. And the spring-like warm weather will please in the third decade of the month, when in the daytime the thermometer can reach +5 +15 ° C.
And for the southern and southwestern regions of Kazakhstan, March is already a typical spring month, but frequent precipitation (rain, sleet) is not excluded. The air temperature is expected to fluctuate at night from 0,-10 °C to +3+8°C, during the day from 0,+10°C to +10+18 °C.
In March, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be about normal in most of the territory of Kazakhstan, above normal by 1° in the southeastern part of the country. Precipitation in March is forecast to be higher than normal in most of the republic, within normal limits – in the south-west, in the north-western part of Kazakhstan.
In April and May, in most of the republic, the air temperature is expected to be above normal by 1 °, only in May in the northwestern half of the country the temperature background is predicted to be near normal.
In April, precipitation in most of the republic is expected to be near the climatic norm, less than normal in the north–west of the Republic of Kazakhstan, more than normal in the mountainous regions of the south, south-east, east of the country. In May, precipitation is expected to be about normal in most of the republic.

For reference: The seasonal weather forecast is issued six times a year: 1 forecast for the warm half-year, 1 forecast for the cold half-year, which are specified by 4 quarterly forecasts for winter, spring, summer and autumn in 17 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
• February 15th for spring (March-May);
• March 15 for the warm period (April-October);
• May 15 for summer (June-August);
• August 15th for autumn (September-November);
• October 15 for the cold period (November-March);
• November 15 for winter (December-February).
The seasonal weather forecast is a description of the averaged meteorological parameters for air temperature and precipitation, expressed as a deviation (anomaly) from the climatic norms for the season in question, it should be used as an advisory, which is specified by forecasts for shorter periods (quarterly seasonal forecast, month, decade, week and day).

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