Advisory weather forecast for Kazakhstan for June 2024

IconPublished 31.05.2024

In June, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be about normal in most of the republic, above the norm by 1° in the west and in the southern half of the country (norms in the Appendix).
Precipitation in June is forecast to be about normal in most of the republic, less than normal in Atyrau, Mangystau, most of West Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda regions, south–west of Aktobe region (norms in the Appendix).
During June, with the passage of atmospheric fronts, unstable weather is expected with rains, on some days with strong ones, with thunderstorms, hail and squally winds.
In the first decade of June, an increase in air temperature is expected in the northern, central, eastern and southeastern regions of Kazakhstan with the arrival of warm air masses from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Central Asia:
in the north, in the center of the Republic of Kazakhstan at night from +2+10°From +12+20°C, during the day from +13+20°C to +22+30°C;
in the east, at night from +2+7°C to +13+18°C, during the day from +13+18°C to +23+30°C;
in the southeast at night from +7+12°C to +12+20°C, in the daytime from +22+27° C to +25+37°C.
In the western and southern regions, the main temperature background will be:
in the west, north-west (Aktobe region) countries at night +15+25°C, during the day +25+38°C;
in the south-west at night +20+28°C, during the day +30+39°C;
in the southern regions at night +12+17°C, during the day +27+38°C;
At the end of the first decade, a decrease in heat is expected in most of the country.
In the second and third decades of June, the air temperature is expected to fluctuate in the northern, central and eastern regions during the day from +20+25 °C to +30+38 °C, and in the western and southern regions from 25+30 °From up to 34+39°C.

Note: The advisory weather forecast for the month is adjusted as the synoptic situation changes and is updated with decade-long forecasts.

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